Toni Guga

Short Food Supply Chains were at the core of debates of the workshop Cities and Food : Connecting consumers and producers” held in Kraków, Poland on September 21 – 22, 2016. Plenary and breakout sessions focused on different topics: Public procurement for connecting consumers and producers, Education and Awareness on city-region food systems, Infrastructure and logistics for efficient access to city markets, Setting up and funding of short supply chains, business models to access new markets and facilitating and integrating urban and peri-urban producers into the regional food system.


The scope of the workshop  also was to make optimal use of EU programs and fundings, for instance the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development which is the second pillar of the Common Agricultural Policy and  the Horizon 2020 EU research programmes, to create smart and sustainable food chains.

In order to stimulate actions, the workshop launched the “AMICI” format, where AMICI stands for Actions for Mobilizing Innovation through Cooperation and Interaction. AMICI are any actions such as forming a group, exchanging further information, investigating an issue deeper, etc…

This multi-actor event brought together around 80 participants from 20 different countries and was prepared in cooperation with representatives from the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact (MUFPP) and the Polish Environmental Partnership Foundation.

The report on the EIP-AGRI Workshop Cities and Food : Connecting consumers and producers can be now downloaded here.