The city eats. It eats food, but also it consumes the land needed to produce it. The flows created by an urban settlement in relation to its food requirements are very intense, important and of course inevitable Sustainability regards all aspects ranging from production, processing, distribution and logistics.

It is not merely a quantitative aspect: let’s think about CO2 emissions; we have access to foods that originate thousands of miles away. The valorization of local production (the concept of zero km) certainly entails a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the promotion of the local economy. This, however, also leads to a reduction of the variety and, to some extent, the culture of food. An irreconcilable contradiction?
These are the questions that have been addressed during the three workshops :
- Agrifood supply chain, work and migration flow.
- Citizens and farmers: Short supply chain & farmers market-
- Sustainable fishing and nutrition.
and also during the public conference, with special attention to the Mediterranean area.
Partners of the event
Eating City is a multi-year program of activities established by the Consortium Risteco – Terre Citoyenne, co-funded by the CLM foundation for Human Progress in Paris, and locally, by Ecopolis Conference 2011.
A special thanks for their support to:

Food & Work in Med Regions
09:00 – 09:30 Participants registration
Opening Session
09:40 – 10:00 Why Eating City ? Aim and scope of the project.
Introduction by Maurizio Mariani, President of Risteco, Chairman of the conference.
Presentation of the research “migration flows in agriculture” by Enzo Risso director of SWG.
Case History and Experiences from Mediterranean regions
10:00 – 11:00 Intervention of:
Prof. Paul Balta, Writer, Member of the Mediterranean Citizens’ Assembly.
Prof. Antonia Trichopoulou, Athens Univ.
Dr. Remo Ciucciomei, President of “Istituto Mediterraneo di Certificazione”
Prof. Habiba Hassan Wassef, National Research Center, Giza, Egypt
Making business in Mediterranean regions
11:00 – 11:45 Intervention of:
Mr. Lino Volpe, President of Avenance Italia (Elior Goup)
Dr. Ilario Perotto, President of Angem-Fipe
Dr. Giorgio Galotti, President of Gemini IST, Rome
Social challenge in Mediterranean regions
11:45-13:00 Intervention of:
Sen. Prof. Tiziano Treu, Former It. Minister of Labour and V.President of Labour Committee, It. Senate
Prof. Adrian Civici, Tirana Univ. Member of the Mediterranean Citizens’ Assembly
Sen. Paolo Scarpa Bonazza Buora, President of Agriculture Committee, Italian Senate
Mr. Antonis Constantinou, Director F in DG AGRI for Rural Development Programmes
Closing session
13:00 – 13:30
Ing. Pierre Calame, President of Charles Leopold Mayer Foundation, Paris
Simultaneously translation will be provided for the public conferences Italian-English-Italian and Italian-French-Italian
13:30 – 14:30 Lunch for speakers and delegate
14:30 – 16:30 Closing session only for delegates
Slideshows of Interventions
Presentation of the research “Migration flows in agriculture”
Enzo Risso, director of SWG
Download Flussi Migratori in Agricoltura
“Case History and Experiences from Mediterranean regions: The Greek experience”
Prof. Antonia Trichopoulou, Athens University
Download The Greek Experience
Pensiamo l’impresa di valore
Dr. Remo Ciucciomei, President of “Istituto Mediterraneo di Certificazione”
Download Pensiamo l’Impresa di valore
Diets and Sustainability in a Changing World
Prof. Habiba Hassan Wassef, National Research Center, Giza, Egypt
Download Diets and Sustainability in a Changing World
Le developpment durable
Mr. Lino Volpe, President of Avenance Italia (Elior Goup)
Download Le developpment durable
Consumi alimentari e occupazione
Dr. Ilario Perotto, President of Angem-Fipe
Download Consumi alimentari e occupazione
Developing a Vision of the future of Agriculture and Rural Development in the EU
Mr. Antonis Constantinou, Director F in DG AGRI for Rural Development Programmes
Closing session
“Eating City”: The strategic contribution to the invention of a new model of development
Ing. Pierre Calame, President of Charles Leopold Mayer Foundation, Paris
Download the english version